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Willamette Court #2

Welcome to Oregon's Willamette Court #2

Meetings: 2nd Monday. Dark July and August.

Potluck Dinner: 6:30pm prior to meeting

Time: 7:30pm
Address: Eugene Masonic Center
                2777 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
               Eugene, OR 97402

Lodge Phone: 541-673-3055

Elected Officers

Royal Matron: HL Josie Skeers
Royal Patron: SK Wes Aanderud, DSRP
Associate Matron: HL Trysta Duquette
Associated Patron: SK Edward Duquette
Treasurer: HL Gloria Hooker
Secretary: HL Kris Aanderud DSRM
Conductress: HL Peggy Levenhagen (Protem)
Associate Conductress: HL Nancy Rose, GAM
Chairman of Trustees: HL Barbie Glaspey
Trustee 2 Years:
Trustee 3 Years: SK Alan Beebe, GAP


Willamette Court Fun Facts

Willamette Court #2 is the oldest (we prefer most experienced!!!) Amaranth Court in Oregon, established May 14, 1921. The Grand Court of Oregon was not formed until 1927 and in 1928-1929, Willamette Court had it’s first Grand Royal Patron, SK Sam R. Mosher. 

You can often find members of Willamette Court along I-5 at local rest stops serving coffee to weary travelers. Fund raising from these activities benefit the American Diabetes Foundation through donations made by the Court to the Grand Court of Oregon. Our Court also has a very strong tradition of supporting the Shrine Patient Transportation Fund to provide transportation services and reimbursement for parents traveling from rural Oregon to the Shrine Hospital in Portland, Oregon.

Members routinely enjoy each others company with meals out, game nights and card parties, as well as holiday gatherings. Our members range in age from 18 to 90+ and span the globe with members currently living on the Big Island of Hawaii and in The Philippines. Members routinely travel the globe for work and pleasure and we know that they are great ambassadors for the Order of the Amaranth when they travel.

Nickname of Eugene - Track Town USA
Mascot - University of Oregon Duck - The original duck mascot was Walt Disney’s Donald Duck. Walt gave the University permission to use Donald Duck’s image for promotional purposes. Today, the Duck is a world-class athlete and know in social, academic and mascot circles for his athleticism by doing push-ups at each UO Duck football game each time the team scores. The Duck has been in the balloting for the most famous and beloved mascot for the last several years.

Team Colors - in Eugene, we bleed GREEN and YELLOW! Although, as could be seen in the 2015 NCAA Football Championships, Black and silver may also be the new green and yellow. (This was a very unpopular choice among local UO supporters who wanted the traditional school colors to be seen at the National Championship Game and by the national television viewing audience.)

Appointed Officers

Marshal in the East: HL Barbie Glaspey (Protem)

Marshal in the West: HL Jackie Lovelace

Standard Bearer: HL Karen Beebe
Prelate: SK Alan Beebe, GAP (Protem)
Musician: HL Margaret Bentley
Truth: HL Leslie Van Etten

Faith: HL Peggy Levenhagen
Wisdom: HL Clara Basil
Charity:  HL Teri Rollman, PGRM

Historian: HL Roseann Pauson

Warder: SK Edward Duquette (Protem)


Use of the Official Amaranth Logo is governed by U.S. Copyright Laws.
The Grand Court of Oregon operates under authority of a Charter issued by the Supreme Council, Order of the Amaranth, Inc.
Copyright © 2022 Grand Court of Oregon, Order of the Amaranth Inc.
Grand Court of Oregon: Web Administrator
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